Fashion and Not Just Fashion
If you say that Jade to "support" is not it fresh? Although it is not jade animal, plant, but it really necessary nursing. Jade kind of you know, kind of the "old" with "soft" kind of "old" its a small crystalline particles, crystal gap subtle, kind of "delicate" of the crystalline particles thick, wide band gap crystals,Tiffany Bracelets  with a certain gap in the crystal water. Jade generation, the ground water source is rich in natural stone with Tsui rich water molecules, to the north, dry environment, conservation of water loss is not a natural thing, especially those kind of rough emerald water loss is even more easily, water loss to make it dry, dry, and after they had lock crack, crack lock will lose much of its beautiful jade. Kind of "old" jade crystal gap of its very subtle, so you can maintain its original head, permanent. Jade Why "support", because in this, so experts will normally introduce emerald "seed" (ie, the texture of jade), the old kinds of products will be recommended.

    How to "support" jade jewelry it? Is it packed bottom pressure is nursing? This is not all right, just a general protection, protection against external damage jewelry shape, while no effect on its internal water loss, in fact, the best "conservation" the simplest and most practical way is as a human ornament features a the body can be, regardless of its location in the body which has a small body moist environment. Tsui often features a water loss that will be added to make it moist, head to improve, some "cotton" "floc" can be dissipated through the change, which is called "raising his jade."

    Jade jewelry nursing summarized three points: First, avoid head-on, so that damage jade jewelry; second high-temperature exposure should not prevent water loss jade jewelry tarnish, dry pale; often features a third, often with a soft cloth or soft fate of brush soaked in the above dirty brush. I wish all the people with Jade "raise" good jade, "maintain" a beautiful and enrich our lives.

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